
Standing with workers and their labor unions enhances workplace protections and wages for us all. That’s why I’m fighting to:

  • Fix Tier 6. All public sector workers deserve a dignified retirement. Newer workers shouldn’t have to work and contribute more to earn a pension that’s significantly reduced. I’ll stand in solidarity with unions to reform Tier 6 rules.


  • Modernize New York’s antitrust laws. The 21st Century Antitrust Act would update our laws for the first time in over a century to give workers a seat at the table and protect New Yorkers from unprecedented corporate influence.


  • Establish New York workers’ right to strike. We must overturn the the anti-worker Section 210 of the Taylor Law that bars public unions from striking against their employers by amending the New York State Constitution.


  • End wage theft. The Securing Wages Earned Against Theft (SWEAT) Act will allow workers facing wage theft to recover the earnings they’re owed.


  • Protect warehouse workers. The Warehouse Worker Injury Reduction Act would protect workers at companies like Amazon from worksite injuries.

Compare to Didi Barrett’s record:

Despite getting endorsements from labor unions, Barrett has spent her  decade in office siding with corporations over workers and their unions by:

  • Consistently siding with Big Agriculture in opposing the lowering of the sixty-hour overtime threshold for farmworkers.
  • Refusing to support the union-endorsed Raise the Wage Act, which would raise the minimum wage to $21.25 by 2026.
  • Repeatedly refusing to support Fair Pay for Home Care legislation to increase wages for homecare workers.
  • Voting with Republicans against a bill to guarantee workers’ compensation for the death of a worker due to an opioid overdose, provided they were prescribed opioids to treat a workplace injury.
  • Refusing to sponsor the Warehouse Worker Injury Reduction Act.

Our campaign is over, but we won't stop fighting for justice.

Join us in working to pass eviction protections in Hudson!